I’m a bit of a sucker for secret spots while traveling.
Little food stall in London with the best deep fried halloumi I’ve ever had? Underground bar in Prague that feels like I’m drinking in Batman’s lair? Unexpected gorgeous beach next to a highway in Malibu? Yup, yup, annnd yup. Today I’m going to let you in on the last of those secret spots, a stunning sunny spot called El Matador Beach. Wicked name, right? Wicked little beach too.

El Matador is one of three small beaches within the Robert H Meyer Memorial State Beach.
It can be found just off the Pacific Coast Highway across from a Kingdom Hall of Jehovahs Witness in Malibu California. On the highway after Point Dume and before Leo Carrillo you’ll want to keep your eyes peeled for a small sign on the right saying El Matador Beach is ahead. The beach is below and not viewable from the road so it’s helpful to know what you’re looking for. It’s very easy to simply zoom right past.

It’s a secret beach but not super secret so there is parking, but limited.
You’re looking at 20 paid spots in the lot and $8 to park. Yes, I know I called it a secret beach, but it’s more like a relatively unknown one. Not as cool of a title though huh? We were there on a weekday evening and had the place almost to ourselves, but it’s well known enough that on weekends it fills up pretty fast. Right before sunset is a primetime too for photographers and Instagrammers. There’s also street parking apparently, but I’ve heard people sometimes get ticketed, so do so at your own risk. Next to the parking lot you’ll find some picnic tables, porta potties (right next to the picnic tables, great planning there), and the trail leading down.
Just a fyi, there are no cafes or hot dog carts or ice cream trucks at Matador Beach. Bring whatever you need with you, and make sure you bring back anything you take. Don’t be the jerk that litters and ruins it for everyone else. I was impressed at the cleanliness of the beach, it’d be nice if it stayed that way.

Bit of a warning, it’s a slightly steep walk down to the actual beach.
I wouldn’t call it accessible if you have mobility issues but it’s not a “hike” like I’ve seen it called in other blog posts and reviews. There’s a trail of dirt, followed by some stairs, and a bit more dirt before you hop down into the sand. The view form the lockout before heading down is pretty sweet too, so enjoy it on your way to the water.

El Matador is a beautiful beach filled with perfectly soft sand, massive rocks, seaweed covered stones, tide pools and lots of swimsuit models.
While on my brief visit I must have seen half a dozen bikini clad women show up to pose amongst the rocks. Male models love the spot too, (as demonstrated with the photo of my very metal friend). It seems to be a very popular spot for photographers, models, influencers, muscly flexing men, and those serious about getting a perfect photo for the ‘gram. And although you may see a lot of swimsuits, El Matador is not a swimming beach. It’s popular for snorkeling however!
There’s a massive rock cave as well, though it’s really less of a cave and more of a giant rock with small arches you can walk or crawl under. Cave sounds cooler though. I couldn’t explore these too well as it was high tide so plan accordingly if you want to play cave explorer. I also didn’t get to see a lot of the little tide pools that form when the tide is low, filled with wonderful little sea critters. Remember while checking out these that you are invading the home of wildlife and to not be an asshole. Make David Attenborough proud.

Sun, sand, epic rocks, models, caves, and very little people. What more do you want form a beach?
If you ever find yourself in the LA area, I highly suggest El Matador be on your list of things to do. I ended a spontaneous super last minute California trip with a stroll around the picturesque beach and both me and my friend absolutely loved it. I wish we had time to sit in the sand and watch the approaching sunset, but sadly we had flights to catch. Next time!

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